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Saving Documents

When saying saving, it means creating, updating or replacing documents, let's see how to do that.

Create new document

To create a new document, use the create method:

import { query } from "@mongez/monpulse";

const user = await query.create("users", {
name: "John Doe",
isActive: true,

This will create a new document in the users collection, and return the created document.

Create multiple documents

To create multiple documents, use the createMany method:

import { query } from "@mongez/monpulse";

const users = await query.createMany("users", [
name: "John Doe",
isActive: true,
name: "Jane Doe",
isActive: false,

This will create two documents in the users collection, and return the created documents with _id field with each document.

Update document

To update a document, use the update method:

import { query } from "@mongez/monpulse";

const user = await query.update(
id: 5123123,
isActive: false,

This will update the document with the given id and return the updated document.

Update multiple documents

To update multiple documents, use the updateMany method:

{ "_id": 1, "name": "John", "age": 25 },
{ "_id": 2, "name": "Alice", "age": 30 },
{ "_id": 3, "name": "Bob", "age": 35 },
{ "_id": 4, "name": "Emily", "age": 28 }
import { query } from "@mongez/monpulse";

const users = await query.updateMany(
{ age: { $gt: 25 } }, // Filter: Users with age greater than 25
{ $set: { age: 40 } } // Update: Set the age to 40

This will update all users with age greater than 25, and set their age to 40.

Replace document

To replace a document, use the replace method:

import { query } from "@mongez/monpulse";

const user = await query.replace(
id: 5123123,
name: "John Doe",
isActive: false,

Please be aware that this will replace the whole document with the given data, and will remove any other fields that are not included in the given data.

Upsert document

To upsert a document, use the upsert method:

import { query } from "@mongez/monpulse";

const user = await query.upsert(
id: 5123123,
name: "John Doe",
isActive: false,

This will update the document with the given id if it exists, otherwise it will create a new document with the given data.