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Sorting is the process of arranging documents in a collection in a specific order, The Aggregate class provides multiple methods to easily sort your documents.

Sort method

This is the basic method to sort using a single field.

Method Signature:

public sort(field: string, order?: "asc" | "desc" = "asc"): this;


const users = await aggregate.sort("age", "desc").get();

orderBy is an alias for sort method.

sortByDesc method

This method is an alias for sort method with desc order.

Method Signature:

public sortByDesc(field: string): this;


const users = await aggregate.sortByDesc("age").get();

orderByDesc is an alias for sortByDesc method.

Sort By multiple fields

If we want to sort by multiple fields, we can use sortBy method.

Method Signature:

public sortBy(columns: Record<string, "desc" | "asc">): this;


const users = await aggregate
age: "desc",
name: "asc",

This will update documents in the collection to be sorted by age in descending order, then by name in ascending order.

Sort randomly

If you want to sort documents randomly, you can use random method, however, this method requires a limit.

@see Sample

Method Signature:

public random(limit: number): this;


const users = await aggregate.random(10).get();

Sort by latest

We can use latest method to sort documents using createdAt field.

We can not rely on _id as it would return unexpected results if we used _id

Method Signature:

public latest(column = "createdAt"): this;


const users = await aggregate.latest().get();

If you want to sort by a different column, you can pass it as the first argument.

Sort by oldest

Same thing applies here but this time we use oldest method, If we need to sort documents by oldest documents first, we can use oldest method.

Method Signature:

public oldest(column = "createdAt"): this;


const users = await aggregate.oldest().get();