📄️ Introduction
Http Requests is the core of any web application. Warlock provides a simple and easy to use API to make HTTP requests.
📄️ Routes
Routes are the way to map which request is going to be handled with which handler (controller).
📄️ Http configurations
Http configurations are used to set the default http configurations, like the port, host, and other configurations.
📄️ Request
Warlock Request is the incoming request object, it contains all the information about the request, and it is used to get the request body, query string, headers, and more.
📄️ Uploaded Files
Uploading files in an API application is crucial, and Warlock provides a simple way to handle file uploads.
📄️ Middleware
A middleware is a function that will be executed before the request is handled by the controller.
📄️ Response
In Http Request Life Cycle, the last step is sending the response back to the client.
📄️ Request Context
Request context is a special function in Warlock that allows you to access the request and response objects from anywhere in your application.
📄️ Output
Outputs are classes that are used to map the models to the response body.
📄️ Restful API
Warlock embraces the RESTful API design, and provides a set of tools to help you build RESTful APIs.